Monday, July 16, 2018

Disney Fantasy Part 2 Days 6-11

DAYS 6-11

Day 6- Thursday
Bridgetown, Barbados
Low 78/High 84
Independent country- ILLEGAL for ANYONE to wear CAMOUFLAGE

Barbados was by far my favorite island!  It was gorgeous and the people were sooooo friendly!  The shopping was inexpensive (the gas was NOT at $8/gal).  

We rode on the "cool" bus.  Open air and music playing.  The driver was a great tour guide too. People in Barbados would pull up beside each other at stop lights and start conversations with each other even though they don't know one another.  They also honk in Barbados but as a way to say hello, not as a 'move'.  

The steering wheel is on the opposite site of the car and they also drive on the opposite side of the road. 

The many faces of Megan

Taking a little nap

As promised by Vench, we got a bear towel friend this morning! 

The candy shop on board

The splash pad- AquaLab





How do you play shuffleboard anyway? 

Day 6 - Ray towel friend

Day 7
Fort-de-France, Martinique "The island of Flowers"
Low 78/High 82
Overseas region of France with currency Euro
Official language French
Volcano- Mount Pelee

Martinique was my very least favorite of the islands.  Only me, Kevin, and Megan went onto the island.  Ethan and Allison slept in on the ship and I am glad they did.  We did not have an excursion planned for this day, so we just wandered around and maybe we did not get far enough away from the port, but it was a very creepy vibe.  The locals either looked like they wanted to kill us or rape us.  There were lots of cat calls and kisses.  But regardless, the scenery was beautiful and the people we ate dinner with on the ship had an excursion on the island and they said they had a completely different experience.  So if we had to do it over, we would probably venture to the other side of the island and check it out.  

Bread fruit

The library

Government building



open air market

Beautiful scenery

Friday night was Pirate night so we get all decked out in pirate gear!

And have a pirates in the caribbean themed dinner 

X marks the spot

Back to Enchanted Garden tonight for dinner 

We were sat with a very nice family for dinner- Nita, who was a physician, Jim, a professor at a college in Georgia, and Sam, who was 18 yo.  Our servers were awesome as usual, Avatar was from India, and Pat from Thailand. 

Our servers 

Day 7 a cool seashell

After dinner up in Cabanas.... bread art

And Fruit art

And the second set of fireworks after the pirate show

Saturday- Day 8
Basseterre, St. Kitts
Low 76/High 78
This island boasts tropical rainforests that surround dormant volcano, Mount Liamuiga, or Mount Misery. It is also known as 'fertile island'.  

St. Kitts was in a close second for my favorite island, only losing because they were not QUITE as friendly as the barbadians.  The land was even more beautiful I believe though.  We had a last minute excursion booked the night before and I am so glad I did!  We were treking through the rainforests (which did not have any rain).  I found out later we only made it to the mid-rainforests which only get rain about once a month right now in the dry season and to see the rain right now you have to take the long more expensive excursion to the upper rainforests, which we did not have time for this trip unfortunately.  

White egrets sanctuary

Any one else seen this on HGTV? I swear I have! 

The black sand beach

Our ride.... another open air bus.... this one was a little more musty because of the dirt roads lol. 

We find cats everywhere

Really.... everywhere

This was a cool monkey named '50 cent' He likes Kiwi. 

Rainforest was cool.... so many mangos.... 

A sour orange

He ate 14 mangoes on the walk....  

They were everywhere!!! 

Health sciences and Medical school 

Ross Vet school

A gorrilla- fitting for the rainforests! 

Sunday- Day 9
San Juan, Puerto Rico "Rich Port"
Low 78/High 80
Oldest city under US jurisdiction
This city has cobblestone streets with mountains on one side and rainforests, deserts, and caves on the other.  

Puerto Rico surprised me just how much like the US it is, generally.  Felt like we stepped off the ship into another US state, which I guess makes sense since it is under US jusrisdiction.  It is a pretty land, and with pretty cobblestone streets. Some shopping on the sides of the roads like you see in NYC (I got a cool pocketbook and wallet and Megan got a cool mini bookbag), but you also saw a Walgreens, a Marshalls and other stores typical of the US. 

Kevin, Megan, and Ethan went ziplining while Allison and I just walked around and explored the local area a bit.  She wasn't ready for the adventure of ziplining and the horseback riding adventure she wanted to do was sold out :( 

The kids were amazed that gas was 77 cents.  I assured them that it was 77 cents per liter and not gallon. 

Safety first! 

A swinging bridge

Hey girl hey! 

Megan said she FREAKED OUT when she saw this iguana because she only saw the tail at first and thought it was a snake.  She said she almost passed out!

Getting ready to zip!

The big momma! 

Hand made mojito. 

So while they ziplined, Allison and I slept in a little bit. 

Then we got up and started to explore. 

Look how PRETTY the streets are! 

More ice cream... it's hot in the direct sunlight!

Seriously more cats lol. 

Cats of San Juan are famous though........ 

Back to Animator's Palate for dinner

BUT this time.... WE are the artists!  


Our drawings

Come to life on the animator's screen! 

Stitch is one of our favorites! 

Pluto too!  Ethan pinched Pluto and Pluto pinched him back.  Pluto shoved Ethan to the side (next picture HAHA) 

Bad Ethan :) 

A rabbit towel friend tonight 

Day 10- Monday 
Last day at Sea :( 

Breakfast in Cabanas

My coffee and Eggs Benedict.... I threw in a mimosa this morning as a treat! 

Booked Allison a treat today! 

The Diaper Dash

Allison getting pampered in the Bippity Boppity Boutique.... looking like Belle.... This will be her last trip though.... she will be too old next time! 

So pretty! 


Getting ready to watch the Incredibles 2!  SOOOOO Funny!!! 

He's special. 

This was one of the live shows that they have every night either before or after dinner.  I REALLY enjoyed this one because well... It's an acapella group!  I loved them! 

This was as formal as we got this cruise.... I just wasn't feeling fancy! 

Oysters rockefeller!  My fav! 

Lobster tail! 

Mi familia! 

Creme brulee... My dessert of choice! 

Chip and Dale

Hmmmmm..... a sloth?  HAHA 

Day 11- Tuesday
Castaway Cay, Bahamas
Disney's Private Island

Most of the past trips, we didn't spend a lot of time on this island but this time we spent most of the day on land! Kevin started it off with a massage in the cabana and then we all had an adventure feeding and snorkeling with the sting rays which was SO COOL!!!!! Little tip: if you just float they will come to you instead of you trying to swim to them, they get scared and swim away! Then after that Megan and I went to get a massage in the Cabanas while they played in the ocean and on the water toys/ playground in the ocean.  Finished in up by riding bikes and cooling off in the splash pad.  They have lunch on the island too so no missing out on food! 

Gotta lather up with sunscreen! 

Ready to snorkel! 

I look like a blowfish! 

Feeding the stingrays.... 

They are gentle creatures! 

Our cabana for the massage on the adult part of the island because yep... Megan is an adult! 

Her first massage.... She's so relaxed. 

I want to live here. 

Bike riding! 

Gotta cool off! 

The best sunset was this last night.... what a perfect way to finish out the trip! 

Gotta get one more special drink! 

Not gonna say good bye but sea ya real soon! 

My coffee! 

New friends! 

The artistry is so beautiful! 

Our last towel friend.... a crab! 

Last night in our cabin... I do love these three with all my heart! 

Day 12- Wednesday
Debarkation and travel home

What a super- fantastic trip we had!!!  The only day it rained at all was the day we left Port Canaveral and that made us a rainbow!  We could not have asked for better weather, milder seas, better people to be paired at dinner with, a more relaxing time on the ship, a better bonding experience.  No one was in a hurry, no one minded if someone did or didn't want to do something... we were all on vacation and island time.  We never got bored, NEVER got hungry, and there is still so much we haven't been able to see and do on the ship.  There is so much to do for 'adults only' that we haven't done simply because we still have 2 kids that are not adults and I did not want to constantly leave them to go check out those things.  We watched movies, we swam, we played games, we talked, we ate together, we hugged, we shopped, we laughed..... after all that is what life and being a family is all about.  Life is short and the time with your kids is so, so short.  You have the rest of your life to travel and party and be by yourself so make the most of today, now..... take the trip, eat the cake.... and worry about the money and being skinny later.... I definitely don't regret one moment of this trip.  

There's no place like home...........
Just wish home had a chef, a maid, and an ocean!