Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Monday! The Big Day!  Welcome Students to the Emory School of Nursing

Orientation Day. 9am -5pm... meet the teachers; get the lowdown on the technology that is needed to survive at Emory.   90 students were admitted total to the graduate program this year.  23 men, 77 women.  There are 23 students in the Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Program, and Emory has 100% passing rate on the boards.... that's a lot of pressure.

Actual classes weren't supposed to start until Wednesday, but the PNP program moves at a faster pace and they are required to alter the schedule some in order to fit it all in.  So Tuesday all the PNP students had an extra day added 9-5 to learn about the head, neck, ears, eyes, nose, throat, and the health assessment.  Wednesday this class would give a quiz on this information and continue on with Lung and cardiac and quiz on that on Friday at an added class to the schedule.  Clinicals start in three weeks after the final exam for heath assessment is complete and we complete a check off on a live pediatric patient with instructors, parents, and prior students present.

Today was a long day...9 am to 7pm... Inclusive of Advanced Pathophysiology learning about the cell with a quiz before Sunday and a case study to come soon.... Health Assessment Class as above and the Spanish for Health care Providers which was very entertaining.  I think I will get a lot out of this class!!

Haven't had my theory and research class yet.... won't have that until after labor day.... Yikes!

Have already met some really great fellow classmates and of course my best friend and kids' godmother is here.  I'm actually going to babysit for them Firday so they can have a date night!

I have face timed the kids each night and looked at all the grades, instructed where and when all the adults watching the kids should be where and with who.  Allison is doing gymnastics and violin, Ethan is doing choral society and soccer, and Megan is doing the Duke Tip and concentrating on history Day and middle school softball.  Ethan and Megan have orthodontist appointments each month and I am still handling the bills in Greenville and here.  I will also be doing some pump trainings here and working night clinic back home some on my breaks.

I think.... I's all going to work!  Time management is going to be key and not get bogged down and emotionally invested with things that don't matter.  Silly and insignificant things are a thing of the past.  I am having a great time so far and it's only day 3!

You all would be proud my 2 mile commute takes 30 minutes to drive so I leave in way plenty of time and have been EARLY!   Stay tuned!  Mentally... I am in a great place right now.  Emotionally I am good.  Physically... check!  Let's keep this going!!!!!  BTW I aced quiz #1 today :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!! You got this Dana, you are simply amazing!!! Sending you prayers for continued strength and focus, keep your eye on goal girl and you will certainly reach it :-)
