Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Atlanta- One Month In!



I'm growing quite fond of the city!  It has a lot to offer a girl like me!  Don't get me wrong, I L.O.V.E. my country roots, but there's always been a part of me that's been itching for more.

I had to go back and re-read my last post because I didn't want to sound repetitive and redundant but I actually wasn't going to repeat myself.  A month has flown by since the start of classes!

Kevin and the kids came for Labor day weekend and Kevin and Ethan went to the Atlanta Speedway race for some guy time while the girls hung out and shopped and made cake pops at a friends' house.  After they left... full speed ahead.  The next two weeks were intense with extra classes and practicing getting ready for health assessment check offs so I could start clinicals.  The PNP program is the only program that starts clinical this early in the semester... Most do not start until mid October I believe.

Also, my theory and research class began and 65% of my grade come from a research project (divided up into 5 sections turned in over the course of the semester).  If done well enough we can submit for a poster presentation at a national conference and for publication.  Just got the first section back today with an A (92) which is perfectly acceptable seeing as the majority of the class failed and has to resubmit.

After check offs happened, I flew home for the weekend!  I experienced taking the MARTA  ( I am not even going to tell you what they say MARTA stands for here....it would offend some of you but it is meant to be a joke)  and my friend Kari dropped my off at Five points Underground.  Never again.  Not at night at least.  I don't tend to get scared in situations and feel I can defend myself, but I felt like I had a big red X on me saying PLEASE rob me, rape me, stab me and take all my belongings.  Worse come to worse, I would've taken my high heel off and gone crazy ghetto girl on them.  LOL  JK.... sorta.  The trip went off without a hitch however and my plane arrived in Raleigh ahead of time and my husband picked me up with flowers waiting :)  Me and the kids had an excellent weekend at home and it was SOOOO hard to leave.  I cried all the way back to Atlanta.  Good thing it's a short flight.

On the way back to RDU from a great weekend home.

Got back and no time to be sad.  Full swing again.  Paperwork for clinicals and contacting preceptor.  Spanish and patho quizzes.  Writing the research.  Clinicals themselves.....Which brings me to.....

Clinicals...... I have only been to one day granted.  It was 11.5 hours at 2 different sites with the same preceptor.  The entire population is 100% medicaid or non insured, the majority is homeless and lives on the streets or in a shelter.  The first place I went to was a Head Start program for children birth to 5 years old.  I completed physicals on children from 830am to about 130pm including some charting time.  We saw sick kids as well.  And well kids that were sick.  I caught wheezers, and some problems with eyesight and hearing.  I cannot prescribe at this point, so I passed this to the NP and she did that.  In the afternoon I was at a free walk in clinic for the underserved.  I saw sick and well visits and some things I shouldn't discuss.   I am getting to know the GA resources very quickly.  By the end of this semester, I will be an semi-experienced PNP with a new perspective.  I am very glad that I have the 7 years acute care experience that I have to fall back on and the 3 years of outpatient experience to refer to for resources.  The poor clinic is grant funded and are short on simple supplies like soap, paper towels, and purell.  It takes a lot for me to get overwhelmed in a clinical situation now a days, but by the end of the day I had to take a deep breath and know that I did ok.  My preceptor kept telling me she was so very glad to have me there.  I saw 18 kids.  It is a very different area that what I have ever been exposed to, even night clinic.  It is a much bigger world than even the most 'entitled' people know.  I like to think I have somewhat of a clue to real life, but these people..... my preceptor did mission work abroad for quite some time and she told me that she stopped doing it because she realized she didn't have to go abroad to have people that were destitute and needed saving.  They were right in the backyard.  It will definitely be eye opening.  I love to have eye opening experiences.  It makes for a well rounded and caring person.  Stay tuned....

So.... not ALL work!  I have found some time to play as well!

At a French Restaurant downtown Atlanta with the BFF

A cool cinderella like carriage

He loves me :)

The Georgia Aquarium.... Amazing.... GO!

Happy girl!

My 3 dinosaurs

At the Fernbank Museum of Natural History

In the Science room.... lots of cool stuff to do!

Hanging out poolside at the apartment pool

The Botanical Gardens

Me and Megan at the Botanical Gardens.... she's taller than me!

Ethan with a bunch of pretty ladies at the Atlanta Motor Speedway

The Fox Theater to see The King and I on stage

Great burgers and local beers... don't eat if you are a pussy... only 18 years older and over allowed.... apple cider beer is GOOD, so it the something or other I can't remember what I ordered.

Burgers and beer with friends at the Vortex

Finally got my camera back out.... been too long.... Piedmont Park

Playing with some editing

Me on a crisp fall day at Piedmont Park hanging with a school buddy and her dog.

My kids are coming this weekend with my hubby, my mom, AND my grandma!  Kids have a long weekend from school so who knows what we will get into!  Going to the state fair tomorrow night with some girls from school to see Sara Evans and I have still been Facetiming the kids at least once a day.  Things are going well at home and I watched Megan get inducted into the Jr. Beta club via Facetime this morning.  It was awesome!  

Filled out my paperwork for pump training as well and will have some nights at night clinic next time I come home so hopefully I will have some extra cash flow here ASAP!!!  Christmas is coming fast!!!  

Until the next update!  Love to you all!!!  

A new Atlanta girl?  Or a country girl still? ;)

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