Friday, November 23, 2012


1.  Let's begin how I begin most days..... with Starbucks.....  A Venti Skinny Caramel Macchiato gets me going in the morning...makes classes less painful, the cold days a little warmer, and my grumbling belly hold off until lunch with only 140 calories.  

2.  My Goldens also in this picture.... Duke who is my main squeeze, he is 6; Duchess not pictured, because she is currently fighting for her life, is 5, and Tiki in the back is their pup and she is 3.  They are our "border patrol" and the most loyal, gentle animals ever known. 

3. Megan of course, and yes, the girl is taller than me.... we all knew it would happen.... She was my first born, so very much like me in every way, very responsible and smart, helpful and kind... she has a lot to offer this world.  

4. Ethan.... geez if I can pry him away from his games, or recently this week his ITouch, because he has a 'serious' girlfriend he's texting.... uh oh.... he's my only son... watch out ladies, you have some competition with his mother!  Just kidding :) What a sweet boy, he still makes time for me, well right now anyway.  

5. Allison- cracks me up.  Everyday.  Full of life. Always smiling and always something funny coming out of your mouth.  Having a bad day?  Just go sit next to her for about 5 minutes.  She's infectious.  

6. My grandmother.  She is my backbone.  My friend.... my college card playing companion.  My babysitter, my everything.  There are no words to express what this lady has meant in my life growing up and what an influence she has been on my development, my goals, the realities of them, and my life.  I hope to be exactly like her.  

7. Phineaus, our elf.  He keeps the magic alive everyday!  I hear squeals of excitement and joy when they find him in the morning and they talk about it all day long!  

 8. Cutting loose and having fun.... my house is always filled with laughter and silliness.... life is too short to take seriously all the time.  I love that I can play with with my kids.

9.Photography. No surprise here.  My love of pictures and photography, mine or anyone else's is endless.  The stories and memories pictures hold are timeless.

10. The Titanic...AKA My 88 year old man that still hunts, fishes, mows the lawn, builds shelves, takes care of chickens, rabbits, quail, and ducks.  Still does all the repair work around the house and chops wood.  Amazing life he has led, including working for Rockefeller.  

11.  My nephew!  Finally... long name for such a little guy... Grant Wyatt Lee Nichols.  So sweet.... He loves his aunt already too!

12.  My mom.... shopping partner, supporter, friend, cheerleader.... did a great job raising 2 great kids.

13.  Jennifer (and her husband Jason too!)... is the Godmother of my children, and been my best friend since nursing school in 2000.  This pic says is all... She stands up for me, makes me laugh, and has a gold heart.  

14,  Paul, my brother was my first best friend and still is one of my greatest firends.... his wife Helen, has become a good friend as well!  (SO glad her married HER and not the other one.... HEHE) WISH they lived CLOSER we could hang out!

Ok... a few more... running our of time 

15. Shopping.... a girl's stress release
16. Emory,.... My path to my future
17. The beach.... Even in the winter it brings a calming sensation over me.
18.  Disney (Cruise please)... we have been to Disney world 14 times and the cruise once.  A place to forget all your cares and see little faces light up.  Come hell or high water we are going on a Disney cruise when I graduate, the kids deserve it for their sacrifice and so do I.
19.  St. Peter's.... Instilling a catholic education with moral values into my children while providing well rounded material.  And it's my old school too. 
20.  Insulin pumps and my kids I work with.... They miss me, I miss them... can't wait to get back and continue to make a difference.  
21.  My house.... I chose the plan, we built it from the ground up.  It's (not quite) so perfect.  Thanks to Kevin for working so hard on this all the time. 
22.  Heat, AC, and food.  Basic necessities that many others do not have.  
23.  My health.  Barring slight colds.  Nothing is seriously wrong with anyone in my family.... we are very lucky..... 
24.  The sun, the rain, the snow, the wind.  All of the elements are simply amazing and can do so much to influence the day you have.  
25. Technology!!!  Love it.  No further words are needed.  

Good night all!  Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  The next couple weeks are going to be a whirlwind until finals are over!  Can't believe the first semester is already almost over!!!  


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