Tuesday, February 12, 2013


I have been wanting to blog for a while now... it's been 2.5 months since my last post and lots has happened!  I can't seem to get my thoughts straight to make a post that makes sense and with logical progression.... so bear with me while I try to sort thru the massive random thoughts, stories, etc...not gonna be my greatest post!

Cool things about Atlanta
    1. No one expects you to be on time.... those of you that know me know that this IS conducive to my lifestyle.  The traffic is so bad here there is no rhyme or reason to the pattern.  I live 2 1/2 miles from the school and it usually takes me 15-20 minutes to drive it.  Drive on I-85 for about 5 miles to I-75 to go to clinicals Thursdays and Fridays.  It took me 35 minutes to drive 5 miles... Insane!
     2. The traffic is teaching me patience.  And to get off of my phone while driving.  No more texting, surfing fb or internet.  Too crowded and too unsafe.  This is something I needed to do a long time ago.
     3. The restaurants.... Soooo many cool places to eat.... not conducive to my fitness, but the way I see it I won't have this opportunity forever.  My favorite places so far The Vortex for their burgers (LOVE a burger and beer), Papadeauxs for fancier Lousiana style seafood or the Steamhouse Lounge for a more relaxed atmosphere, PF changs of course for the chinese- have yet to find a local one that is really good, the local Greek place right up the road I can't remember the name has amazing food, AND there is a Chocolate buffet at the 4 seasons every saturday next month.... oh my!
      4. The stuff to do:  My favorites: Stone Mountain- either hike up the mountain (tough!) or when the kids are here there is a theme park inside with ropes course; the Atlanta aquarium- only been once but it was fantastic!; the Fox Theater- symphonies, broadway shows, the Price is Right came to town; parades; beer festivals; Art in the Park; Botanical Gardens or Piedmont Park; going to the zoo this weekend and you can spend overnight on an excursion.... the list keeps going.... football games (The playoffs were here and a happy guy went)... basketball final four.... Nascar races....
       5. My friends- no drama...keep each other afloat and make sure all the others are ok.... done with drama
       6. The fact that I can go to Target in my sweats and not see anyone I know and be totally stoked about that.  When I was home this weekend, no I didn't go to in my sweats but I looked rough! No makeup, crazy hair and just jeans and a tshirt and literally saw 15 people I knew who ALL stopped to talk to ME.  I wasn't looking for people.... I was trying to get in and out.... SIGH Small town america  gotta look snazzy to go to Target.

Changing the subject... The last two months have been tough....

Going home at Christmas was exciting.... so glad to see my family, my nephew, my brother and sister in law, my mom and grandparents.  Leaving in January was even more difficult than leaving the first time.  I knew it would be awhile before I came back home.  To me, it would've been easier to never had that break and just keep going.  January is cold and dreary too... yuk.  So made it through January and just went home for a 3 day fast weekend and it was so great.  Allison and I went to the circus in Raleigh on her field trip and daily life of just gymnastics, grocery shopping, cooking, hanging out, fixing Valentines Day cards, playing games, etc.  Megan is struggling a little bit for the first time ever..... hard.

Now time for the downhill part of this thing.... I have a PNP conference to go to next weekend, something planned every weekend but 1 bt now and the end of the semester at the end of April.  May my apartment lease is up so as long as some things work out, will be moving out mid May and back to Greenville.

I would share more, but lately sharing has gotten me in trouble and realize that you really can't share thoughts and feelings publicly or privately.  

Still have a great deal of respect for those that I don't share things with now.... friendships, relationships, acquaintances change and evolve over time.  Nothing stays the same!  People grow and change and there is no shame or fault in that.

Looking forward to all the excitement that the next few months have to offer!  And I can't wait until I can share a few more details!

Otherwise school is amazing!  Instructors are great.... preceptors are challenging..... all give me compliments and have been told by multiple instructors/preceptors on different times and occasions that I am the top one in the class, I am the strongest, I am ready for boards (HA!), I have wonderful professionalism and am classy, they want me to precept in the future for Emory... never gets tiring, esp after continuously hearing negative things recently...... you are what you believe.  I have also been offered 2 jobs here.... I will not be moving at the current time, but if situations were different.... its good to know I am well liked, marketable and will come out of this with great references.

Kids are coming this weekend and we are going to the zoo!  Won't see them again for about 3 weeks until spring break but we make the most of it!

My life is a sitcom really.... lots of little funny stories daily.... but its past time for bed..... they will have to wait for another day.....

OH... Happy Valentines Day!  I have a hate for VDay.... always have and always will.... it is my least favorite day of the year BAR-NONE.  So much bad hx on Vday.  I do hope you all have a great day though!

Night my loves!


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