Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Flexibility and Adapting

Mixed feelings about posting....

I've been quiet on fb lately and in general trying to keep low key.    Things haven't turned out exactly how I would've planned..... really in anything.  But.... I'm flexible, and after literally freaking out a little and having a mini-melt down, I realized it's all going to be ok.

Someone asked me, if I had to do it over, would I do it again?


Because, in the long run, this will be worth it.

Because, this is teaching me and my family lots of lessons.

Resourcefulness.... I quite literally have only had Ramen noodles and tea in the cabinets at times.  Friends keep you company and keep you fed in times of desperation.... They are there when your family leaves and you are sad.  They are there to cram genetics in your brain the night before midterms after spring break.... the efforts are repaid as well.

Appreciation..... You learn to put the computers, phones, etc away when you have the time with the family.  I ache for my kids, for the softball games, to help with homework, to watch a movie at night.  It is taken for granted.

Knowledge.... Multiple levels.  Not only book knowledge.  Life lessons.  Who will stand by you.  Who will walk away because everything isn't all just fun.  Who can you ask for help.  How to hook up and disconnect cable lines to tv/dvd player. how to get around and live in big city and just manage/deal.

So yeah, I'd do it again.... it's been the absolute best and worst year of my life.  Will be very glad for the kids when this school year is over... we have all done our best and I am very thankful to the village that has helped raise my kids to get through this year.  It has been tough for everyone involved.

Just about every day, I get this little thrill run through me that I have to suppress.  It's not over yet, but it's getting close.  Finals for this semester are in 2 weeks.  I've started on my summer hours for clinicals.  Moved 2/3 of my stuff home.  Have to supress the excitement, because with all the disappointment, I know all too well that anything can happen, and I'm never prepared for it.... but I always adapt and move on.  So many good things are on the horizon... I can feel them... and it it so exciting!

I miss home, but I will miss Atlanta too and what I have become here. :)

1 comment:

  1. You are a beautiful strong woman and you will get through this. As always just give us a call there is anything we can do for you!
