Monday, July 1, 2013

Never Gonna Beat This Summer.....

Something I heard once is that there are two very important days in your life.... the day you are born and the day you figure out why..... I figured out why this year.... I remember the day.

I'm in my last semester of my Master's Degree and hopefully school forever!!!!!!  HA!  I say that now but as the ones of you that know me by now know in about 6 months or so I'll get the itch to do something else (like my doctorate or a JD or something).... well someone will just have to slap me around a bit ok!!!!  Time to enjoy life a bit!

The kids have been out of school for a month and it's been a busy month!  We have lost a stubborn tooth, made 3 trips to Atlanta (well the kids only went for 1 but stayed an awesome 10 days... I'll get to that in a second); they have helped around the 'farm' since grandpa's leg was hurt (6 weeks of packing his leg it's finally getting better, although not completely done yet!).  Ethan turned 11 which honestly was kindof uneventful... I'll do better next year. 

The trip to Atlanta was fun, long, hectic, cramped, loving, relaxing all in one.  The kids made friends with another family that my friend Jennifer knows well and they had kids their age so it gave them something to do while I was at school.  They played video games, chatted, watched movies, did arts and crafts, swam, we went to the zoo, saw Monsters U, cooked and ate a lot, swam more and some more, went to a birthday party, they slept over at their friends, Allison went to drum lessons.... it was a great trip.  No speeding tickets this time down or back!!!  The only bad thing is Ethan lost his NEW IPHONE!!! Less than 2 weeks of having it!!! We are both sick!  

Went to see my friend Sarah and her bday boy Mattox in Wilmington on the way back home from Atlanta and that's when we realized it was gone.  I wish we could have stayed longer but I plan on going back in August post-graduation and making it up to her!!! When you have been friends since you were 14 "no apologies are needed"  Her words..... friends like that are hard to come by.  

And I am a lucky girl.  I have several.

(Ahem, thanks Jenn and Jason!)

Back at home now for approx 1 week.... gave up fb, (although this will prob get linked) until after graduation.  Just this weekend not doing fb I wrote 22 pages of 'stuff' research, papers, case studies, etc!!!!  WHAT!!!  Craziness..... Bad thing is it barely makes a dent in what I have left for school.... I hit my wall so I needed to do pictures, fun stuff.  

Tomorrow I have my last mid term ever! YAY!!!!  I am also (probably) going to 'shadow' back at the clinic at home some over the next month and we have a 4th of July party this week!  4 more trips to Atlanta!  Camp Needles in the Pines is coming up too and looking forward to that.  Also, doing 2 night shifts at the hospital for the first time in what like 11 years.  God help me.... 

Wish me (us) luck over the next 36 days.... I'm sure everyone will be glad when this is done!!!  It's been amazing, and hard, and fun, and the best and worst year of my life.  36 more days and a certification exam!

Enjoy a few, more than a few pictures from the last month!

Look at that firey hair!
One of the most supportive people I know!
7 year old toothless grin... so stinkin cute I can hardly stand it!
Hair so long it's like Beiber!
 Watching a movie on the Ipad after a day of swimming!

Brad Paisley concert!

Inseparable through grad school!

Lovely ladies!

13 year old friends

at breakfast

hey there she is!
he's not to keen on the food

New friends in Atlanta at the Zoo

What kind of day is it if it's a day without Starbucks?!?!

My ray of sunshine!
Shirt came! Pediatric Nurse Practitioner 2013.  I see little people!
Plodding away.... my new car decal!  Soon to be placed!

My cool grandma!
And my grandpa and his rabbits

Oh yeah.... And his turkeys.... He's named them... Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's
So sweet, her bunny

All from my grandpa and grandma's garden (minus the burgers)...even the eggs.... Duck eggs!  I love summer! Squah, eggplant, corn, onion, tomato, potato, cucumber, peppers.  MMMMM!!!

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