Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Days are Long but the Years are Short- The End of Emory

Looking back over this year, it sure has gone by fast!

On Wednesday, I will take my last final exam and walk out of Emory for the last time.  There will be no more late nights downtown in Atlanta, no more beautiful skyline; no more eating out at great restaurants and laughing freely with my great grad school friends.  Everyone is going separate ways....Emily to NYC, Suze to Wash DC; Mel is staying in ATL, me to gvegas; that doesn't seem to quite have the same ring to it as the rest of them.....  My good friend Jenn and her husband Jason are going to be getting a residency and most likely moving but until then we say goodbye again as well.  No more MARTA, which I actually grew fond of.... if you go back and read one of my first blogs about ATL I was scared to death of it... it grew on me.... quick, cheap, and painless.  

I never felt threatened in ATL other than that one time on the Marta.  Never.  It is a very pleasant city with lots of stuff to do, lots of opportunity and very nice people.  I honestly hope that one day again that I can call Atlanta or the surrounding area my home.  

No more traveling 800 miles every week.  

No more papers to write!

No more goodbyes to the kids.

Choosing to go to Emory opened my eyes and my heart.  I am a better person, a better mom, and will be a better provider because of it.  I am looking forward to getting started in my new position and seeing if I can make a difference in a child's life.  Hopefully, I can start with my 3.  A year flew by and we made it through somehow.  Now I need time to slow down just a bit so I can enjoy the rest of their childhood and enjoy my grandparents lives.  They truly live every day I believe for them.  I am so very lucky to have had them this year and for them to see me 'graduate'.  

My list of people to thank:

My grandmother: My emotional support.... she has always been my heart.  She has greatly helped with the kids taking the kids to school and picking up, feeding them, and watching them until kevin got home from work.  

My grandfather:  Always works hard.... picked up the kids from school this year some, helped watch the kids.... fed them ice cream, taught them about hard work. 

My mother: Let me rattle her ear off when I'm fuming or in a crisis, also helped with the kids alot too.  That's what mom's do!  And she's taking us on a DISNEY CRUISE for my graduation present!  We ALL thank you and we ALL deserve it for our hard work!

Kevin:  You stepped up.  May not have been a perfect year, but like I have been told 10000 times 'most husbands wouldn't do that'  Thanks for always backing me whatever I decide I want to do today and not giving me grief for it.  

My kids:  The most amazing and adaptable, smart, sweet, funny, brave, kids ever.  They will probably never know just how much I love them or how proud I am of them.  

Jennifer and Jason:  There are no words, but I will try.... comfort in friends... love.... I never have to ask, you always know the answer or what I need before I even do.  Thank you! 

Suzanne:  The message below for Em and Mel goes for you too but want to add that I love you for all the times you took me to the airport and/or to the MARTA and fed me and let me stay with you and pool time! Thank you!

Emily and Melissa:  Couldn't have made it through grad school without you girls either.  So very glad we found the 4 of us early on.  What a fun time and lots of memories, great stories, and 'under the radar' we will be for years to come!

Sarah: My long time friend... thank you for letting me come and go, vent and being non judgemental; for the extra tv, bed, coffee and company; always up for the beach; laughs and good times; BFF

Megan Getz: Thank you for letting me borrow a bed frame and for watching out for my children during and after school at events.  You are appreciated more than you will ever know!

My instructors at nursing school Dr. Reyes and Dr. Thomas who will probably never see this, along with my clinical preceptors Elisabeth Sposaro, Tanya Wilcox, Ann Simmonds, Ivy Bagley, and Dr. Ozimek.  I couldn't have squeezed in 500 hours or learned all I have in 1 year without the flexibility and support of everyone involved.  I cannot begin to express my gratitude.  

On to begin a study plan to pass boards and begin the credentialing process!  

We also are going to find a new normal in our house.  A new plan.  I have never worked only one job, so I joke that pinterest may be my new best friend, because I am going to try to not go back to school LOL!  Maybe I will take up yoga and learn how to sit down long enough to enjoy a movie :)  I can't relax!!!  Maybe I will take up sleep! Or run (ROFL!)  Get back into my zumba!  I already lost 20 pounds over the past 2 months maybe I can just keep it up! 

Best year of my life overall!  Yes it was the hardest year!  Yes I would do it again!  Yes I am glad it's over in many ways and VERY sad at the same time. 

"The only thing constant in life is change"

"Be the change that you want to see in the world"

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